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Reading the RPM


My Miata has no OBD port, so I need to use the diagnostics box to read the RPM.


To read The RPM we can use the IG- pin.


If we now want to use an Arduino to read the signal we need a voltage divider to get the around 13V down to around 4V.
You can use one of those online calculators to find the correct resistors.


Arduino Code

First we need to define some variables.

const int rpmPin = 2;

float rpm = 0;

volatile unsigned long lastPulseTime = 0;
volatile unsigned long pulseInterval = 0;

Then we need to set the pin mode and use attachInterrupt() to count the pulses.

void setup() {
pinMode(rpmPin, INPUT);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(rpmPin), onPulse, RISING);

void countPulse() {

And in loop() we check if there are no more pulses to reset it back to zero.

void loop() {


void checkForPulses() {
unsigned long currentTime = micros(); // Current time in microseconds
unsigned long pulseInterval = currentTime - lastPulseTime;

if(pulseInterval > 1000000) { //No pulse for over 1 sec reset
rpm = 0;

void onPulse() {
unsigned long currentTime = micros(); // Current time in microseconds
pulseInterval = currentTime - lastPulseTime; // Time between this and last pulse
lastPulseTime = currentTime;

// Calculate RPM
if (pulseInterval > 0) { // Prevent division by zero
rpm = (1000000.0 / pulseInterval) * 60.0 / 2.0;

It is calculated like this because there are two pulses per one rotation.