Screen case and holder
TODO: Update to Dwin screen!
The last thing we need is a case and holder for the screen. But since you probably used a different screen than I, you can't just use my 3D model because I made it specific for this screen. But you can still use the model to get an Idea of how to model everything.
If you do use the same screen you can just use my models!
Components explained
Screen case
You will always look at the front side of this so print it in a good orientation.
Print it with at least 3 walls because it is holding the screen.
Screen down clamp
This part is used to clamp down the screen, you can add double-sided tape on the back of it so that the screen stays in place.
In the bottom right corner you can put the clip to hold the screen there down too.
Print it with at least 3 walls because it is holding the screen.
Screen holder
This part connects everything together, don't use to long screws when screwing it down, so you don't break the screen.
Print it with at least 3 - 4 walls and 2 - 3 infill walls because it is holding the entire screen.
Screen holder connector
The holder is screwed onto this plate, I made it out of wood because I think it is stronger that a 3D printed part at this thickness.
To cut it out just print the linked PDF file, glue it onto a piece of wood with the right dimensions, cut it out and drill the holes.
File downloads
Case + Holder (.f3d) - Download
Case + Holder (.step) - Download
Connector plate (.pdf) - Download
Clip to hold screen down (.step) - Download